Landscape Sprinkler Irrigation – Don’t Make These Mistakes!

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A landscape sprinkler irrigation system is crucial for keeping a residential property looking its best through the harsh Texas summer dry season.

Without proper landscape irrigation, homeowners will see their lawns and plantings turning brown in just a matter of days.

Still, there are other common mistakes made with landscaping sprinkler systems that homeowners should be aware of to prevent other problems.

Keep a lush green landscape year-round in Texas by avoiding these landscape irrigation problems!

1. Over or Underwatering

Proper landscape irrigation is essential to keep Texas lawns and landscapes healthy, even in the hottest and driest seasons.

The amount of irrigation required will depend on many factors including soil makeup, recent weather conditions, types of plantings, and more.

While landscape sprinkler systems provide an easy way to deliver water to the entire property, homeowners often overwater by turning them on too frequently, for too long, or even on rainy days, wasting water and damaging plants.

To the other extreme, some underwater by not turning their landscaping sprinklers on often enough, causing plant stress.

Adequate, controlled irrigation will keep lawns and planted beds moist without over or under-watering to reduce drought shock and encourage continued growth.

2. Not Utilizing Irrigation System Controls and Features

The main cause of poor landscape irrigation management as mentioned above is homeowners not understanding how to program their irrigation systems.

The most basic landscape sprinkler systems all have programmable timers that homeowners should use to program specific days and times for their systems to turn on and off automatically.

This avoids accidentally skipped days and ensures the sprinklers will run at the preferred time of day, which is in the early morning before the high sun.

Additionally, many more advanced sprinkler systems can run autonomously by detecting rainfall, temperatures, and even soil moisture amounts, turning themselves on only when irrigation is necessary.

To get the most from their systems, homeowners should learn everything their sprinkler system can do and how to program it accordingly.

3. Ignoring Sprinkler Irrigation Leaks and System Maintenance

Although buried landscape sprinkler irrigation systems might be well out of sight, they should never be so out of mind that regular maintenance is not performed.

Leaky and malfunctioning valves and water line breaks are common with underground irrigation systems.

It is important to hire a sprinkler company each spring to inspect the system for leaks and make repairs as needed.

Similarly, homeowners should be observant of soggy areas around their properties or evidence of high water usage, both of which suggest there could be a leak or some other damage to the system.

4. Poor Landscaping Sprinkler Irrigation System Installation

When investing in a new landscaping sprinkler irrigation system, choose a high-quality, durable system and have it professionally installed.

Proper installation that addresses details like adequate number and positioning of sprinkler heads, system programmability, and putting the water lines deep enough into the ground so they are less likely to be disturbed and damaged is critical.

Overall landscape irrigation system efficiency and functionality depend on a correct installation.

Avoid Common Mistakes Landscape Irrigation System Problems

It may be the rainy season in Texas right now, but within a few weeks, landscape irrigation systems will be turning on regularly to keep residential lawns and gardens well-watered and healthy.

Whether in need of landscape sprinkler system repairs or investing in a whole new system, work with a professional who can get it done the right way.

Contact a local landscaping sprinkler irrigation system contractor to discuss system features, sprinkler programming, and other tips to keep these systems working properly, and efficiently!

Need A Landscape Irrigation System In College Station Texas?

Landscaping Ninja Installs Landscaping Sprinkler Irrigation Systems!

Call 979-399-8835 To Schedule Sprinkler System Service or Installation!

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